Nuno R. Pinhão

Nuclear and Technological Institute

Estrada Nacional 10
2686-953 Sacavém


Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, and with the Front-Cover Texts being "Preface" and with the Back-Cover Texts being "Appendix". A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".

Table of Contents
Intended Audience
Other Sources of Information
Conventions Used in this Manual
1. Introduction
Differences from previous version
Limitations of PLASMAKIN
2. Overview
Data Model
3. Public Parameters and Variables
KTable -- Translation table for reaction coefficient indexes
NCasc -- Number of cascade levels
NCh -- Number of charged species
NChX -- Number of excited charged species
NKea -- Number of rate coefficients for electron collision reactions in the gas phase
NKgas -- Number of gas phase reactions
NKReac -- Total number of reactions
NKRImp -- Number of radiation imprisonment reactions
NMax3bSpc -- Maximum number of 3rd body species for 3-body reaction
NMaxReacSpc -- Maximum number of particles taking part in a reaction
NnC -- Number of neutral species with constant concentration
NnTV -- Total number of species with variable concentration
NnV -- Number of non-excited neutrals with variable concentration
NnVX -- Total number of neutrals with variable concentration
NPhot -- Number of photon species
NReverse -- Number of reverse reactions
NSKea -- Number of superelastic electron collision reactions
NSpecies -- Total number of species
NKSurf -- Number of surface reactions
4. Derived Data Type Definitions
DATA_COLUMN -- Identifies the location of the input data in an external file
PHYS_PROPERTY -- Represents a physical property
5. Procedures
pkCleanData -- Deallocates arrays, destroying all the information on chemical data
pkDiagnostics -- Writes the contents of Species or KReac structure arrays to a file
pkGetParticle -- Gets the values of chemical species properties
pkGetPhotonEmission -- Evaluates photon emission rates
pkGetPowerLosses -- Evaluates the power losses and the relative contribution of each process
pkGetReacCoef -- Gets the values of properties of the reaction coefficients
pkGetReverseCoef -- Get the values of reverse reactions properties
pkGetSources -- Gets the source terms for the continuity equations and the relative contribution of each process
pkGetSpecies -- Gets the values of chemical species properties
pkGetValue -- Gets the values of global properties
pkIsPhotoElec -- Tests if a photon causes photoelectric emission from a given surface
pkReadBaseData -- Reads the basic data in the input file
pkReadChemReactions -- Reads the chemical reactions in the input file
pkReadData -- Reads all data in the input file
pkReadSpecies -- Reads only the species in the input file
pkSetPhoton -- Sets local photon density
pkSetReacCoef -- Sets the values of reaction properties
pkSetSpecies -- Sets the values of chemical species properties
pkSetValue -- Sets the values of global properties
SetRate -- User supplied routine to set the values of rate coefficients
6. Data Input Format
PLASMAKIN_DATA -- Holds initial values of data applying to the entire system
CHEM_SPECIES -- Read chemical species and species properties
CHEM_REACTION -- Read a chemical reaction or reactions involving vibrational series
A. Error Messages
B. GNU Free Documentation License
List of Figures
F-1. Relationships between PLASMAKIN and other program units or data files.
F-2. Representation of the ordering of species in PLASMAKIN. The electrons have the highest index of the charged species. Region (a) represents the neutral, excited species and region (b) the charged non-excited atomic and molecular species.
F-3. Representation of the ordering of reactions in PLASMAKIN. Regions (a) and (b) represent, respectively, the number of direct and reverse gas collision processes between atoms and molecules.
List of Examples
E-1. KTable: Using KTable to control the order of variable printing.
E-2. pkCleanData: Deallocating PLASMAKIN data.
E-3. pkDiagnostics: Printing the Species and KReac structure arrays.
E-4. pkGetPhotonEmission: Getting the photon emission distribution in a 1D discharge.
E-5. pkGetPowerLosses: Inquiring about the power losses using the keyword form for dummy arguments.
E-6. pkGetReacCoef: Inquiring the electron collision rates.
E-7. pkGetReverseCoef: Evaluating the electron superelastic cross sections from the corresponding forward process cross section.
E-8. pkGetSources: Computing the source terms in a 1D discharge, taking into account gas temperature gradients.
E-9. pkGetSpecies: Reading the names of all species into an array.
E-10. pkGetSpecies: Example showing how the returned values depend on the data type of the Value argument.
E-11. pkGetValue: Inquiring about the gas temperature and density.
E-12. pkIsPhotoElec: Computing the photoelectron emission in a 1D discharge model.
E-13. pkReadBaseData: Reading the basic data in the input file.
E-14. pkReadChemReactions: Reading the chemical reactions in the input file.
E-15. pkReadData: Reading the input file.
E-16. pkReadSpecies: Reading the basic data in the input file.
E-17. pkSetReacCoef: Modifying the value of the 'reverse' property.
E-18. pkSetReacCoef: Updating temperature dependent rate coefficients or coefficients defined through an external routine.
E-19. pkSetSpecies: Modifying the value of the 'initial_conc' property.
E-20. pkSetValue: Setting the ratio of the number of molecules in the two first vibrational levels.