Estrada Nacional 10
2686-953 Sacavém
Copyright © 2001, 2004 Nuno R. Pinhão
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, and with the Front-Cover Texts being "Preface" and with the Back-Cover Texts being "Appendix". A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".
-- Translation table for reaction coefficient indexesNCasc
-- Number of cascade levelsNCh
-- Number of charged speciesNChX
-- Number of excited charged speciesNKea
-- Number of rate coefficients for electron collision reactions in
the gas phaseNKgas
-- Number of gas phase reactionsNKReac
-- Total number of reactionsNKRImp
-- Number of radiation imprisonment reactionsNMax3bSpc
-- Maximum number of 3rd body species for 3-body reactionNMaxReacSpc
-- Maximum number of particles taking part in a reactionNnC
-- Number of neutral species with constant concentrationNnTV
-- Total number of species with variable concentrationNnV
-- Number of non-excited neutrals with variable concentrationNnVX
-- Total number of neutrals with variable concentrationNPhot
-- Number of photon speciesNReverse
-- Number of reverse reactionsNSKea
-- Number of superelastic electron collision reactionsNSpecies
-- Total number of speciesNKSurf
-- Number of surface reactionsDATA_COLUMN
-- Identifies the location of the input data in an external filePHYS_PROPERTY
-- Represents a physical propertypkCleanData
-- Deallocates arrays, destroying all the information on chemical datapkDiagnostics
-- Writes the contents of Species
or KReac
structure arrays to a filepkGetParticle
-- Gets the values of chemical species propertiespkGetPhotonEmission
-- Evaluates photon emission ratespkGetPowerLosses
-- Evaluates the power losses and the relative contribution of each processpkGetReacCoef
-- Gets the values of properties of the reaction coefficients pkGetReverseCoef
-- Get the values of reverse reactions propertiespkGetSources
-- Gets the source terms for the continuity equations and the relative
contribution of each processpkGetSpecies
-- Gets the values of chemical species propertiespkGetValue
-- Gets the values of global propertiespkIsPhotoElec
-- Tests if a photon causes photoelectric emission from a given surfacepkReadBaseData
-- Reads the basic data in the input filepkReadChemReactions
-- Reads the chemical reactions in the input filepkReadData
-- Reads all data in the input filepkReadSpecies
-- Reads only the species in the input filepkSetPhoton
-- Sets local photon densitypkSetReacCoef
-- Sets the values of reaction propertiespkSetSpecies
-- Sets the values of chemical species propertiespkSetValue
-- Sets the values of global propertiesSetRate
-- User supplied routine to set the values of rate coefficientsPLASMAKIN_DATA
-- Holds initial values of data applying to the entire systemCHEM_SPECIES
-- Read chemical species and species propertiesCHEM_REACTION
-- Read a chemical reaction or reactions involving vibrational seriesKTable
: Using KTable
to control
the order of variable printing.pkCleanData
: Deallocating PLASMAKIN data.pkDiagnostics
: Printing the Species and
KReac structure arrays.pkGetPhotonEmission
: Getting the photon
emission distribution in a 1D discharge.pkGetPowerLosses
: Inquiring about the power
losses using the keyword form for dummy arguments.pkGetReacCoef
: Inquiring the electron
collision rates.pkGetReverseCoef
Evaluating the electron superelastic cross sections from the corresponding
forward process cross section.pkGetSources
: Computing the source
terms in a 1D discharge, taking into account gas temperature gradients.pkGetSpecies
: Reading the names of all
species into an array.pkGetSpecies
: Example showing how the
returned values depend on the data type of the Value
: Inquiring about the gas
temperature and density.pkIsPhotoElec
: Computing the
photoelectron emission in a 1D discharge model.pkReadBaseData
: Reading the basic data
in the input file.pkReadChemReactions
: Reading the
chemical reactions in the input file.pkReadData
: Reading the input file.pkReadSpecies
: Reading the basic data
in the input file.pkSetReacCoef
: Modifying the value of
the 'reverse' property.pkSetReacCoef
: Updating temperature
dependent rate coefficients or coefficients defined through an external routine.pkSetSpecies
: Modifying the value of
the 'initial_conc' property.pkSetValue
: Setting the ratio of the
number of molecules in the two first vibrational levels.PLASMAKIN_DATA
: Examples of
: Example of
: Example of
NAMELIST syntax.Next | ||
Preface |