5. Procedures
- Table of Contents
-- Deallocates arrays, destroying all the information on chemical datapkDiagnostics
-- Writes the contents of Species
or KReac
structure arrays to a filepkGetParticle
-- Gets the values of chemical species propertiespkGetPhotonEmission
-- Evaluates photon emission ratespkGetPowerLosses
-- Evaluates the power losses and the relative contribution of each processpkGetReacCoef
-- Gets the values of properties of the reaction coefficients pkGetReverseCoef
-- Get the values of reverse reactions propertiespkGetSources
-- Gets the source terms for the continuity equations and the relative
contribution of each processpkGetSpecies
-- Gets the values of chemical species propertiespkGetValue
-- Gets the values of global propertiespkIsPhotoElec
-- Tests if a photon causes photoelectric emission from a given surfacepkReadBaseData
-- Reads the basic data in the input filepkReadChemReactions
-- Reads the chemical reactions in the input filepkReadData
-- Reads all data in the input filepkReadSpecies
-- Reads only the species in the input filepkSetPhoton
-- Sets local photon densitypkSetReacCoef
-- Sets the values of reaction propertiespkSetSpecies
-- Sets the values of chemical species propertiespkSetValue
-- Sets the values of global propertiesSetRate
-- User supplied routine to set the values of rate coefficients