The function pkIsPhotoElec
is used to test if a given photon
induces photoelectron emission from a given surface. Additionally it also returns
the index of the parent species. The main use of this function is in computing
the photoelectron emission from the volume distribution of excited species.
The function returns a LOGICAL value.
Using a name to identify the surface allows one to compute the photoelectron emission from selected surfaces only and use different values of the photoelectron emission coefficient for different surfaces.
Example E-12. pkIsPhotoElec
: Computing the
photoelectron emission in a 1D discharge model.
In this example the matrix MPhot
represents the probability of
transmission of radiation from a plane i
, perpendicular to the
surface, to a surface "slice" j
INTEGER :: dx, NParent, KParent, iPh, i REAL(double) :: MPhot(Nxp,Nxp), PhotElectrons(Nxp), KYield ... PhotElectrons(:) = 0.d0 DO iPh = 1, NPhot IF( pkIsPhotoElec( iPh, 'wall', NParent, KParent ) ) THEN CALL pkGetReacCoef( 'Value', KYield, KParent ) DO i = 1, Nxp DO j = 1, Nxp dx = ABS(j-i)+1 PhotElectrons(i) = PhotElectrons(i) + & KYield * Dens(j,NParent) * MPhot(i,dx) END DO END DO END IF END DO