The subroutine pkGetPhotonEmission
returns the photon energy
and the photon emission rate for each photon.
The array section PhRate(1,:)
holds the photon energies and
the array section PhRate(2,:)
the photon emission rates.
= 0: no errors; STAT
= n: error number.
Example E-4. pkGetPhotonEmission
: Getting the photon
emission distribution in a 1D discharge.
REAL(double), ALLOCATABLE :: Dens(:,:), PhDist(:,:), PhRate(:,:) ... ALLOCATE( Dens(NnTV,Nx), PhRDist(NPhot,Nx), PhRate(2,NPhot) ) ... DO i = 1, Nx CALL pkGetPhotonEmission( Dens(:,1), PhRate ) PhRDist(:,i) = PhRate(2,:) END DO