The subroutine pkGetReverseCoef
returns a list of values of
a given property for reverse reactions. Two properties are available:
The ratio, in the forward reaction, between the product of the
degeneracy for the products
species and the product of the
degeneracy for the reactants
species: 'g_ratio'
The energy difference between the products and the reactants in
the forward reaction: 'dE'
The values returned are the values of the property inquired about from among
consecutive SIZE(
reverse reactions, starting at
species Value
= 0: no errors;
= n: error number.
Example E-7. pkGetReverseCoef
Evaluating the electron superelastic cross sections from the corresponding
forward process cross section.
INTEGER :: NfKea, & ! N of forward e-atom reactions NEbin, & ! N of energy bins idE, & ! Index for the energy diff. between levels jmax ! Maximum index for superelastic CS REAL(double) :: Ebin ! Energy bin REAL(double), & ALLOCATABLE :: g2_g1(:), & ! Ratio between degeneracy values dE(:), & ! Energy difference between levels CrossSec(:,:) ! Electron collision cross sections ... NfKea = NKea - NSKea ALLOCATE( CrossSec(NEbin,NKea) ) IF( NSKea > 0 ) THEN ! - Gets g_ratio and dE for superelastic processes CALL pkGetReverseCoef( 'g_ratio', g2_g1, NfKea+1 ) CALL pkGetReverseCoef( 'dE', dE, NjKea+1 ) ! - Computes superelastic cross sections DO i = NfKea + 1, NKea idE = NINT(dE(i)/Ebin); jmax = NEbin-idE FORALL( j = 1:jmax ) & CrossSec(j,i) = (1.d0+dE(i)/E(j)) / g2_g1(i) & * CrossSec(j+idE,Nindex(i)) END DO END IF