

SetRate -- User supplied routine to set the values of rate coefficients


The subroutine SetRate sets the values of rate coefficients when the rate coefficient equation included in PLASMAKIN and given in Chapter 1 is not appropriate. The user is free to write this routine, but the routine must have the interface described below.


SetRate( Idx, rIdx, pIdx, Temp, RateValue )

NameDescriptionData type and attributes
IdxIndex of desired rate coefficient equation in the routineINTEGER, INTENT(IN)
rIdx(NMaxReacSpc)Array with the vibrational quantum numbers of reactant speciesINTEGER, INTENT(IN)
pIdx(NMaxReacSpc)Array with the vibrational quantum numbers of product speciesINTEGER, INTENT(IN)
TempThe electron or gas temperature used in the rate coefficient equationREAL(double), INTENT(IN)
RateValueThe rate coefficient valueREAL(double), INTENT(OUT)