

pkGetPowerLosses -- Evaluates the power losses and the relative contribution of each process


The subroutine pkGetPowerLosses computes the electron collisional power losses, the power converted into heat in other collision processes, the power radiated and the relative contribution of each reaction to these losses.


pkGetPowerLosses( LDensity[, eP][, eR][, HeatP][, HeatR][, RadP][, RadR]
  [, STAT] )

NameDescriptionData type and attributes
LDensity(NnTV)Local density of species with variable concentrationREAL(double), INTENT(IN)
ePPower lost by the electrons per unit volumeREAL(double), OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT)
eR(NKea)Relative contribution of each electron collision reaction to the electron power lossesREAL(double), OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT)
HeatPPower converted into heat in other collision processes per unit volumeREAL(double), OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT)
HeatR(NKgas)Relative contribution of each reaction to gas heatingREAL(double), OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT)
RadPRadiated power per unit volumeREAL(double), OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT)
RadR(NPhot)Relative contribution of each photon emission process to the radiated powerREAL(double), OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT)
STATExecution status indicatorINTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT)


The power/volume losses are in W/L3, where L-3 is the unit used to indicate in the input file the gas density.

STAT = 0: no errors; STAT = n: error number.


Example E-5. pkGetPowerLosses: Inquiring about the power losses using the keyword form for dummy arguments.

  REAL(double) :: ePLosses, HeatPLosses, RadPLosses
  CALL pkGetPowerLosses( eP=ePLosses, HeatP=HeatPLosses, RadP=RadPLosses )