Appendix A. Error Messages

The number of error messages issued by PLASMAKIN is still relatively small - thirty-two in the present version - and no attempt has yet been made to cover all possible error situations. Most of the messages are related with the reading and processing of the input file where it is easy to make typographical mistakes. In the present version the diagnostic of errors in the data files has been improved with the indication of the number and type of the NAMELIST where the error occurred. This is an area where improvement can be expected in next versions of the library.

The error messages have the structure PLASMAKIN:<classification and number>: <description>

List of error messages

PLASMAKIN: severe(100): NAMELIST not found: namelist_name

where namelist_name is one of PLASMAKIN_DATA, CHEM_SPECIES or CHEM_REACTIONS

PLASMAKIN: severe(101): REWIND error before reading NAMELIST namelist_name

where namelist_name is one of PLASMAKIN_DATA, CHEM_SPECIES or CHEM_REACTIONS

PLASMAKIN: severe(102): Syntax error in NAMELIST namelist_name

where namelist_name is one of PLASMAKIN_DATA, CHEM_SPECIES or CHEM_REACTIONS

PLASMAKIN: severe(103): Memory allocation error in routine routine_name

where routine_name is one of pkReadSpecies, pkReadChemReactions or pkCleanData

PLASMAKIN: error(106): Value error in NAMELIST namelist_name

where namelist_name is one of PLASMAKIN_DATA, CHEM_SPECIES or CHEM_REACTIONS

PLASMAKIN: error(107): Error in physical units in NAMELIST namelist_name

where namelist_name is one of PLASMAKIN_DATA, CHEM_SPECIES or CHEM_REACTIONS

PLASMAKIN: error(108): Attempt to re-read NAMELIST namelist_name

where namelist_name is one of PLASMAKIN_DATA, CHEM_SPECIES or CHEM_REACTIONS

PLASMAKIN: warning(109): Parent species of excited species not found in NAMELIST namelist_name

where namelist_name is CHEM_SPECIES

PLASMAKIN: error(110): Sum of species initial concentration is not 1

PLASMAKIN: severe(120): Argument error in routine routine_name

where routine_name is one of pkGetValue, pkGetSpecies, pkSetSpecies, pkGetReacCoef, pkSetReacCoef, pkGetReverseCoef, pkSetValue, pkGetSources, pkGetPhotonEmission or pkGetPowerLosses.